Birthday: July 11, 2001
Birthplace: Ventura, California
Currently calling home: Oxnard, California
Best/Proudest Result: 1st Place Open Boys NSSA Regional Champs
Magic Carpet: Roberts 4'9"
Best trip: Fiji
Team Rider Since: Back in the day
Favorite wave: Cloudbreak
How may pairs of Crocs have you owned in your lifetime? None?
5 travel necessities for a surf trip:
-Cell phone
I dance whenever I hear: Blink 182
Before a heat I like to: Study the waves.
Hit shuffle on your ipod and name the first 3 songs that come up. No cheating, God is watching:
-Miley Cyrus
-Blink 182
-Justin Bieber
My Ipod:
-Foster People
Favorite surf/non surf movie: Dear Suburbia
Biggest Inspiration: Curt Harper