Age: 16
Currently Calling Home: Wilmington, NC
Sponsors: Vissla, Pro-Lite, Futures, Sweetwater Surf Shop, Sun Bum, Monster Army
Local Spot: Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina
Best surf trip: Pavones, Costa Rica
Other interests: Spearfishing, golfing, and fishing.
You shape your own boards correct? Yes
Do you have a label you shape under? FSW Surfboards
What are your favorite type of boards to shape or ride? I really like shaping and riding some experimental stuff. I’ve been messing with a lot of different shapes, concaves, and channels recently.
Hand shape or machine shape? Hand Shape
What are your personal go to dimensions? 5’10 x 19 x 2.3 26-27 liters
What is your ideal 3 board quiver? 5’5 2+1 fish, 5’10 squash tail, 5’11 rounded pin
What are your surf trip travel essentials?
-Board shorts
What is your dream surf trip? Where is it? Who you taking with ya? Skeleton Bay, Take a couple friends and a photographer